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Navneet Kaushal is the founder and CEO of PageTraffic, Asia’s most recognized Search Marketing Company. When Navneet started his digital search marketing company, PageTraffic in 2002, there were not many people who understood SEO. Today, PageTraffic is not only the oldest SEO company in Asia and the World but is one of the leading search engine marketing companies in Asia.
CEO, PageTraffic
Nothing illustrates the race to the top more categorically than the search engine industry. We have worked hard to remain at the forefront for more than twenty years now.
Our journey started in 2002, four years after Google was founded. It was then that Navneet Kaushal, right after completing his MBA, was testing how SEO works. He was driven by the idea of creating something new and exciting, and PageTraffic was born.
We have provided our services to more than 10,000 clients spread across 36 different countries. Our global presence now extends to eight office locations in three distinct countries. Additionally, our team has grown to include over 125 dedicated employees.
Get in touch with one of our specialists for a free consultation and find out how we can support you.